Glory to Jesus Christ!

Dear Friends,

Sixty years ago, Julie Andrews strode through the Austrian Alps singing, “The hills are alive with the sound of music.”   Today, we sisters sing: “The Mount is alive with the sound of Pilgrims.”

What an amazing Pilgrimage! Your prayers, presence, and magnificent singing filled Mt. St. Macrina once again and will fuel its engine until Labor Day weekend next year.

You traveled from near and far via plane, car, camper, or perhaps via computer.  However you experienced this year’s Otpust, we hope and pray that you came away from our 90th Pilgrimage with a renewed heart and spirit and that Our Lord and His Mother, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, give you the comfort and strength needed for the coming year.

Thank you for your participation, your prayers, and your support.  We cannot begin to express what your presence means to the Sisters who call Mt. St. Macrina our home.

As we remove the tents, store the benches, and take stock of everything else, we can’t help but feel the anticipation for the 91st Pilgrimage, which will be here before we know it. We’ll be waiting for you!

May the Theotokos, Our Mother, walk with you every step of the journey, and may She be your ever-present Intercessor before the throne of her Son.

Gratefully in the Lord,



Sister Susan Sisko, OSBM