This year, the Sisters of St. Basil had a signature celebration on Pentecost Sunday, joyfully commemorating the 75th Jubilee of Sister Theodosia Alishofski, Sister Theresa Bavol, and Sister Petronilla Puhak.

Like many who came before them, Sister Theodosia, Sister Theresa, and Sister Petronilla served as teachers in the parish schools for most of their lives in the community.

Sister Theodosia Alishofski, OSBM

Sister Theodosia came to the community from St. Mary’s in Freeland, Pennsylvania. For over 50 years, she was a teacher and principal in many schools staffed by the Sisters of St. Basil. Because of her many years in ministry, many of those to whom she ministered continue to keep in touch with her. She responds faithfully to those who do.

A talented artist, Sister Theodosia studied iconography, and several of the icons she created adorn the monastery chapel and corridors.

Sister Theodosia most recently served in parish ministry in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and surrounding parishes. While visiting the sick was the primary focus of this ministry, Sister was also involved in catechetical ministry in the parish.

Sister Theresa Bavol, OSBM

Sister Theresa entered the community from St. Mary’s in Trenton, New Jersey. She also was in the teaching ministry in the parish schools of the Metropolia for over fifty years, mostly teaching the primary and lower elementary grades. She also served in parish ministry in her home parish of St. Mary’s and at St. Therese in St. Petersburg, FL. Sister Theresa also brought her artistic talents to bear in teaching art to her students in Florida. Her unique gifts are always in demand for community celebrations.

Upon arrival at the Monastery, Sr. Theresa quickly used her talents and presence to serve the residents of Mount Macrina Manor through Pastoral Ministry.

Sister Petronilla Puhak, OSBM

Sister Petronilla entered the community from St. John’s in Hazleton, PA. Like those of her group, she was also engaged in the teaching ministry for almost 50 years. Sister Petronilla was especially gifted in teaching in the primary grades, and this age group was the focus of her ministry for most of her teaching experience.

After retiring from teaching, Sister offered her time and energy to those at the opposite end of the age spectrum, the infirm and elderly at Mt. Macrina Manor. In the pastoral ministry department, her thoughtfulness and gentle spirit brought light and joy to those she served.

Each of the Sisters has brought a diversity of gifts and talents to the Province and enriched it in her own unique way. May God grant each of them many more spiritually fruitful years in His service.

Metropolitan Archbishop William Skurla celebrated the Divine Liturgy and joined the community at a festive dinner. Sister Susan Sisko, Provincial, congratulated and thanked the Sisters for their many years of service and dedication.