Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are vital ways we respond to the call to lead a God-centered life.  They are a manifestation of our total dependence upon the one who creates, redeems and sanctifies; the one who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

St. Basil reminds us that “prayer which imprints in the soul a clear conception of God is an excellent thing.  This abiding of God in our memory is the indwelling of God” (St. Basil: Letter 2).

Our lives of personal prayer are integrated with our communal prayer as we celebrate the liturgical day and the festal cycles of the Church.  Contemplative prayer, rooted in our tradition, is the heart of interior renewal and personal holiness.  Therefore, we place priority on time spent daily in private prayer, fostering union with God and listening to him in silence.

We appreciate and live our spiritual heritage by the faithful reading and devout contemplation of Sacred Scripture.  In this way we follow the example of our holy Father St. Basil who was steeped in the knowledge and love of the Word of God.

Strengthened by our personal prayer, we come together in the privilege and responsibility of communal prayer.  We prepare for the day to come in the celebration of the evening prayer of Vespers and the morning prayer of Matins.  We participate fully in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, the source and center of our inner life.

The Mother of God, our model of faithfulness and source of intercession, holds an important place in our lives.  This is shown by our devotion to her.