On April 14, 2015 groundbreaking ceremonies took place at Mt. Macrina Manor. Mt. Macrina Manor is undertaking the renovation and refurbishment of the entire facility.
JoLynn Meyers, Mt. Macrina Manor Nursing Home Administrator, Sr. Seraphim Olsafsky, Provincial, Sisters of St. Basil the Great, V. Rev. Lawrence A. DiNardo, VG, JCL, Board President, Metropolitan Archbishop William C. Skurla, Metropolitan Archeparchy of Pittsburgh, Sr. Susan Sisko, OSBM, Board Member, Sr. Carol Petrasovich, Board Member, Eric McRoberts, Architect, RPLS, Carmine Molinaro, Jr., Esquire (partially hidden from view), Martin Saunders, Esquire, Board Member, Sr. Ruth Plante, Board Member, Richard Dropik, Project Manager/Engineer, RPLS, Ted Stefancin, Sisters of St. Basil’s Project Representative, Sr. Barbara Jean Mihalchick, Board Member, Sr. Margaret Ann Andrako, Board Member, and Joseph Massaro III, Contractor.
Archbishop William Skurla, the Metropolitan Archbishop for the Byzantine Catholic Metropolia of Pittsburgh blessing ground during the ceremonies.