Pilgrimage Preparation Day – August 17
The Sisters of St. Basil are in need of help with
last minute Pilgrimage preparations.
Date: August 17, 2014 (Rain date: August 24)
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Place: Meet at Trinity Center at Mount Saint Macrina
What to bring: Brooms, weed whackers, blowers, weeding tools, rakes and clippers
(Lunch will be provided)
For further information, please call Sr. Carol, Pilgrimage Coordinator, at 724-438-7149 or email her at hpmsm@verizon.net.
Pilgrimage Camping
Pilgrims camping on the grounds of Mount Saint Macrina can download the Camper
Registration and Guidelines at www.sistersofstbasil.org/pilgrimage. Your completed form and payment will be collected upon your arrival at Mount St. Macrina.