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February 2015

The Year of Consecrated Life – Sr. Dorothy Louise Balock, OSBM

By |2015-02-11T19:31:42+00:00February 11th, 2015|Uncategorized|

The celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life continues as Sr. Dorothy Louise shares her vocation story:

IMG_1263Since I was born on Good Friday, my family considered me special and named me “Dorothy” which means “gift of God.”  I was the youngest of four girls and three boys born to Eastern European immigrant parents in the little Western Pennsylvania mining town of Patton.  We were blessed to have a Byzantine Catholic Church there.  I was baptized by Father Stephen Loya, surrounded by loving family and parishioners. Today I am the last surviving member of my immediate family.

I attended public schools, enjoyed sports and played the trombone in the band. I learned my catechism from two of my school teachers, Ann and Mary Homyak, who also were our parish catechists. SS. Peter and Paul Church was the hub of activity for us.  As a teen I helped there in any way I could, singing in the choir, teaching catechism, helping at dinners. Everything there reinforced my parents’ lessons about loving the Lord and trusting in His Divine Providence for our lives.  I was still young when I learned about prayer, love, forgiveness, cleanliness and a sense of responsibility. Such was life in the Balock family.

It was during my high school years that I felt the call to religious life, though I had not yet met a Sister.  Sometime after I experienced this call, Sisters from Mount St. Macrina came to Patton to solicit funds and they encouraged me. I attended my first Pilgrimage that year and was very impressed. However, being the youngest and the last to live at home with my aging parents, I assumed the responsibility of caring for them.

The picture changed when, a few months after graduation from high school, God took back to Himself rather suddenly: first my mother in December, and then my father the following April. The sudden losses were somewhat devastating to me, but through the support of my family, the Homyak sisters and parishioners and friends, I was able to see God’s hand in it all.  They encouraged me, as that September I responded to God’s call and entered the Order of St. Basil the Great in Uniontown, where I was given the name Sister Joachim. This started me on the road to doing many more things than I ever expected to do, and I don’t regret any of them.

My first ministry was teaching, mostly at the junior high level.  I found myself imitating the strict but kind style the Homyak sisters used – and it worked well.  I was also a principal for some of those years. Later I was elected to serve on the leadership team for five years and enjoyed living at the Mount.

A new path opened for me at that point that would affect the rest of my life.  I took courses to be certified as the Administrator of Mount Macrina Manor Nursing Home and served in this capacity for the next 17 years.  This brought me into daily contact with the elderly and the sick – just the work I thought I would be doing with my own parents.  I found that I loved being with older people, listening to their wisdom, supporting them in their time of suffering. The environment involved pain and suffering, some of it beyond relief, but I found that a listening heart, a compassionate touch, a reminder of God’s love and forgiveness seemed to make their passing into a new life somewhat easier. This time also involved sharing the pain of families in grief.  They taught me so much.

After the administrative role, I took a year of sabbatical; I spent half of it caring for my own blood sister after back surgery, and the other half in spiritual renewal experiences.  Formal training in pastoral care followed; since then I have been involved in ministry to the dying and to their families.  I worked at the best local hospice agency; it was later incorporated into the national firm known as Amedisys. Little did I know how intensely I would live this experience, for a short time later, I was diagnosed with lymphoma and had to undergo chemotherapy and later a bone marrow transplant.  Many tests, treatments and procedures were necessary before I made some progress. My community and my co-workers, my nieces and nephews supported me through this and I returned to serving others, now equipped with a better understanding of those who were suffering.  Unfortunately, the symptoms returned and I again underwent chemotherapy – that is, until I was further set back by a severe case of pneumonia.

Coming back from all of this required a long time, much patience, prayer and lots of help from my Sisters, my family and friends.  One introduced me to Barbara Johnson’s book Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy, which encouraged me.  I did just that.  I walked around for months wearing a neat hat with a big geranium sticking out of it.  It cheered me and those around me as well. I learned so very much in this time, especially a deeper trust in the Lord.   My love for nature, animals, and music also helped me so much then and also when I later underwent surgery for breast cancer.

More recently, when my physical strength declined, I became a volunteer for Amedisys Hospice and Home Care (instead of an employee).   I favored spreading devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help to the sick.  I prayed and sang with them, read scripture or played Christian music.  One daughter wrote to tell me how much her mother was changed by my visits, even though when I first started visiting her – during her favorite soap opera – she wasn’t very pleased. It was so gratifying to prepare many souls to joyously meet the Living God of Love.

In 2010 I was pleasantly surprised when I was named the Amedisys Volunteer of the Year.  The company flew me and a companion to New Orleans for the first phase and then later to the national convention in Orlando for the presentation of a plaque.  It was exciting and so much fun.

Much of my inspiration comes from the quote from Isaiah 43: “I have called you by name and you are mine.”  It helps me have an ‘attitude of gratitude’ – counting your blessings takes one across the valleys of life and builds confidence in God’s goodness, I have learned.  I like to say “God is with us!” –  how could I not after all the ways I have experienced his care and seen his mercy poured out upon myself and upon person after person?


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The Year of Consecrated Life – Sr. Mary Grace Skuban, OSBM

By |2015-02-01T22:24:25+00:00February 1st, 2015|Uncategorized|

This year as we celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life, we are also going celebrate the vocation stories of the Sisters of our community.

Our first story in this series is from Sr. Mary Grace Skuban, OSBM: 

Sr Mary GraceI first felt God’s call in ninth grade. I knew of the Sisters’ Academy for girls, but I also knew that it would be a burden on my family for me to leave.  I was sure I belonged there by the time I was 18, but not all of my family agreed. I was the only girl among three brothers, and my mother in particular did not favor her only daughter going away and “giving up” her life.  Somehow, each year when it would be time to seriously prepare to go to the convent, something came up in the family to hinder my going at that time.

In the meantime, I worked as a clerk in an office in Scranton, Pa. for a company that sold magazines.  I prayed patiently for the right time, attending adult religious education classes and eager to learn more about my faith.  My mother’s friends were there also and they secretly encouraged me in my desire for religious life.

However, when I wrote to the Mother Superior in Uniontown, I received no response – or so I thought.  The letter welcoming me to the community mysteriously “disappeared,” that is until I found a piece of the envelope that was not completely burned!  Then I understood.  I wrote again to the Sisters but this time I requested that my mail be sent to my work address.  The Sisters wrote me there, but when I explained the reason for using that address, they agreed with my Mom that I should stay with her.

On September 8, 1957, my home parish was celebrating its 50th anniversary and I was helping with the serving in the rectory. I was able to talk to Bishop Nicholas Elko and I asked him for the favor of speaking to Rev. Mother Olga on my behalf.  He did and on September 14 I received my letter to come. Though I had never traveled much, I left on the midnight bus from Scranton to Uniontown with three other women from the area also on their way to become Sisters of St. Basil.  Arriving at the Mount was my dream come true!  In a few months, when I formally received the habit, my parents with my brother and his fiancé came and affirmed me in my vocation. Thank God and His Holy Mother!

Before I left home I was again reminded of the help of the Mother of God in my journey.  The Sodality to which I belonged had a farewell dinner. They invited then-Father Michael Dudick, later Bishop Michael, pastor of our parish in Old Forge to speak.  He used the example of the Angel Gabriel coming to an unknown town of Nazareth and inviting Mary to become the mother of Jesus Christ.  He continued by saying, “Now Angel Gabriel has returned again to call another unknown Mary to “Come, Follow Me.” This message that evening was and still is the stimulus that has greatly been my “treasure in my heart” for the past 54 years!  I prayed often to the Mother of God to lead me to this place where I could fully live for her Son.  She has been my helper and guide along the various roads I traveled.

After my initial formation, I did domestic work in our convents at several school missions where our Sisters taught.  Then I served at SS. Cyril and Methodius Seminary for three years. I happily worked in the kitchen and laundry and at the convent and enjoyed a wonderful community spirit with the Sisters, staff and seminarians.

Next, I was missioned as a catechist in Binghamton, N.Y. as a substitute teaching in the primary grades for a short time.  After serving as a nursing aide for the summer at our nursing home, Maria Manor in Ebensburg, Pa., I entered Sacred Heart Hospital School of Nursing and passed my State Board exam for my LPN license in January 1969.  I spent the next 20 years in nursing at both Maria Manor and Mt. Macrina Manor in Uniontown, where I also worked in medical records. Of all my ministries, this was my favorite. After that I had a sabbatical year and then was missioned between the House of Prayer and St. Basil’s Home.

In 1998, I became the Sacristan in the Monastery Chapel at the Mount.  This is my current ministry and I enjoy it very much.  It is a joy to take care of the Lord’s dwelling place throughout the year!

I thank the Holy Mother of God each day for being faithful to me and to my desire for a deeper life in her Son, Jesus.  She took my seven-year offering of patient waiting and perseverance and gave me a life so blessed and full!  Trust her yourself . . . come and see!

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January 2015

Christmas 2015

By |2015-01-09T13:32:21+00:00January 8th, 2015|Uncategorized|

The first snow of the Winter of 2015 arrived at Mount St. Macrina on the Holy Feast of the Theophany along with the coldest temperatures of the year so far.

The Sisters had their second Holy Night Supper the evening before the Feast as we continue the traditions. The Sisters also enjoyed Christmas prayers, caroling at the Monastery and at Mount Macrina Manor. Caroling concludes at the House of Prayer where the Sisters enjoy refreshments and social time. By God’s blessing, we’ve remained healthy and look forward to a blessed commemoration of the Year of Consecrated Life.

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Sisters Icons on Display at New Diocesan Heritage Center, Greensburg

By |2015-01-08T17:08:24+00:00January 8th, 2015|Uncategorized|

The Diocesan Heritage Center, which was established by Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt to collect, preserve and assemble the cultural and archival patrimony of the Diocese of Greensburg, opened to the public, Dec. 13 – Feb. 14, Saturdays from 10 a.m.-noon and 1-3 p.m.

The Marian exhibit includes an icon of the Madonna and child Jesus that was made by Fabergé for Russian Czar Nicholas II and now belongs to the Sisters of St. Basil the Great at Mount St. Macrina in Uniontown.


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December 2014

November 2014

The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns to air on Lifetime TV

By |2014-11-24T20:10:53+00:00November 24th, 2014|Uncategorized|

What:  “The Sisterhood”
Where: The Lifetime Television Network
When: Tuesdays at 10 p.m., starting Nov. 25
Synopsis: Five faithful young Catholic women live, work and pray alongside the Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm in Germantown, New York; the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence in Chicago; and the Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker in Walton, Kentucky, all the while discerning if God is calling them to leave friends, family and boyfriends behind for life inside the convent walls.
For further information visit,
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Christmas Preparation Retreats at the House of Prayer

By |2014-11-18T18:49:35+00:00November 18th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Focus on the significance of the Christ event and be prepared for the celebration of the Feast by attending one of the Christmas Preparation Retreats at the House of Prayer. Feast.

Each program consists of a presentation, silent prayer and reflection, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a prayer service.

Christmas Preparation Morning Retreat

Saturday, December 13, 9:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Registration due: December 8)

Presenter: Father James Hess, O. Carm, Spiritual Director

SS Cyril & Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Offering: $30, lunch included.

Christmas Preparation Afternoon Retreat

Sunday, December 14, 1:15 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (Registration due: December 9)

Presenter: Deacon Tim Corbett

St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cathedral, Munhall, Pa.

Offering: $30, dinner included.

For further information, please call the House of Prayer directly at 724-438-7149.



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Mt. Macrina Manor Annual Live Nativity

By |2014-11-18T18:07:40+00:00November 18th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Live NativityMt. Macrina Manor’s 21th Annual Live Nativity will be held on the grounds of Mt. St. Macrina in North Union Township on Sunday, December 14 from 5-7 p.m.

The Nativity will be set up along the Friendship Circle, adjacent to the facility. Mary and Joseph, shepherds tending to their flock, the Three Kings, the Little Drummer Boy and angels will be portrayed. In addition, there will also be live animals, including a donkey, goat, sheep, calf and an alpaca. The Sisters of St. Basil the Great and as well as other groups will sing Christmas carols. Angels will be passing out candy canes to visitors. Five hundred luminaries will line the driveway that leads to the Nativity.

The event is free of charge and everyone is welcome. For further information, please call 724-430-1021.

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