


After struggling with multiple health issues for a number of years, Sister Pius (Irene) Yavor fell asleep in the Lord on Monday, December 14, 2020. She fell seriously ill with the coronavirus. With permission, Sister Pius had been living apart from community. She was staying with her family, and it was from her home in Perth Amboy, NJ that the Lord called her to Himself.

Sister Pius was born in Perth Amboy, NJ, the daughter of the late George and Anna (Andrejo) Yavor. She entered the community from St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ on September 24, 1951 and made her Final Profession of Vows on August 15, 1957 in the presence of the late Bishop Nicholas Elko.

For several of her years in active ministry, Sister Pius was involved in teaching and catechesis. Of those years, from 1979 through 1983, she was teacher and principal in St. Michael’s School in her hometown of Perth Amboy. While there, she was ahead of her time in initiating computer classes after school for those interested. Evangelization then became her focus, and with great enthusiasm, she answered the request of Rev. John Zeyack of St. Thomas Church in Rahway, NJ to serve in this parish ministry.

What became Sister Pius’s best-loved ministry followed in 1988 when she was hired to serve in Campus Ministry at Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ. It was her joy to be available to the students there, and her engaging personality lent itself to this work. Additionally, Sister Pius served as an instructor in the Adult Enrichment Program of the Passaic Eparchy and as a member of the Passaic Diocesan Catechetical Board

Even though no longer engaged in active ministry for the community, Sister Pius was often on the phone with those who sought her comfort and counsel. It was heartening to her to be a healing and praying presence for those who called upon her.

Sister Pius was preceded in death by her parents, her brother George (Gerry) and her sisters, Marie and Anna (Malik). A day after her passing, her sister Margaret followed Sister Pius into eternity. In addition to the members of her community, she is survived by her niece Venus Majeski.

The Funeral Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 28, 2020, in St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ. Interment in St Nicholas Cemetery, Perth Amboy.

May God grant to his handmaiden, Sister Pius, eternal memory and peaceful repose.

By |2020-12-27T22:57:50+00:00December 27th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on SISTER PIUS YAVOR, OSBM PASSES INTO ETERNAL LIFE


Early in the evening of Monday, December 14, 2020, Sister Emma Pauline (former Sister Hilaria) fell asleep in the Lord at Mt. Macrina Manor. In two weeks, she would have observed her 100th birthday. The Lord Jesus, however, chose a better “birthday” for her, this one to be celebrated in His Kingdom.

Sister Emma Pauline was born in Donora, PA, the daughter of the late Michael and Anna (Oras) Fedorchak. She entered the community from St. Michael’s Byzantine Catholic Church in Donora, PA on September 27, 1936 and made her Final Profession of Vows on April 23, 1946.

For a little more than 40 years, Sister Emma Pauline was engaged in catechetical and elementary education as her main ministry. With two degrees in this field, she was especially gifted in teaching the youngsters in the primary grades. One of her students from those years, still remembers her fondly. He credits Sister with forming him in the faith from the time she prepared him for First Communion.

At the juncture of halfway through her ministry, Sister Emma Pauline’s energies shifted to pastoral care, volunteering for three years at Mt. Macrina Manor, then seven years at St. George Byzantine Catholic Church in Linden, NJ.  The late Monsignor George Billy was pastor at St. George’s. He later became a resident at the Manor, and Sister was very faithful in visiting him during her time in pastoral ministry. Her care for Monsignor was deeply appreciated by his family, as she was so well known to them.

In 1996, Sister returned to the Monastery, and shortly after began to volunteer again at Mt. Macrina Manor until 2002 when she retired from active ministry. Sister’s final years of life were spent as a resident at the Manor.

Sister Emma Pauline was preceded in death by her parents, her brother Leonard, and her sisters Irene Womeldorf, Helen Lisante and Anna Ramult, She was the last surviving member of her immediate family.

Rev. Jerome Botsko, Monastery Chaplain will celebrate the Funeral Divine Liturgy in the Monastery Chapel on Friday, December 18. Rev. Stephen Wahal, pastor of Sister’s home parish in Donora, will concelebrate. Due to the pandemic, there will be no public viewing.

Crawford Funeral Home in Hopwood is in charge of arrangements.

By |2020-12-16T21:11:01+00:00December 16th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on SISTER EMMA PAULINE FEDORCHAK ENTERS INTO ETERNAL LIFE


Late in the evening of December 8, 2020, Sister Fabian entered into the embrace of the Heavenly Father. It was a feast day that was particularly dear to Sister, celebrating Mary, the Mother of God. Surely, Sister Fabian was welcomed into the Heavenly Kingdom by this beloved heavenly Mother, Mary.

Sister Fabian (Margaret) Krassa was born in Uniontown, PA, the daughter of the late Stephen and Mary (Huston) Krassa. She entered the Sisters of St. Basil from St. John’s Byzantine Catholic Church in Uniontown, PA on September 15, 1950 and made her Final Profession of Vows on January 1, 1956 in the presence of the late Very Rev. George Bonchonsky.

Her ministry experience was largely focused on education, both as a teacher and principal. After 40 years of dedication to this ministry, Sister Fabian was granted her desire to serve in Rome, Italy. There she worked for seven years in the library of the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Of her time there, Fr. Gick, S.J. wrote: “I have found her to be honest and generous in her approach to her work, but more importantly, she had demonstrated a  high degree of loyalty and trustworthiness in her work . . . and has carried out her obligations with care and precision.”

While enjoying her work at the Institute, Sister’s great joy in being in Rome was the many opportunities she had to attend the audiences of now St. John Paul II.

Upon her return to the monastery at Mount St. Macrina, Sister Fabian assisted part time with keeping the Monastery Archives and other clerical duties as were asked of her. When her health no longer permitted this, Sister became a resident at Mt. Macrina Manor, from where she was called home to the Lord.

Writing about her vocation, Sister Fabian noted that it was her parents’ faith and devotion to Christ that finally led her to Religious life. She remembered telling her mother that if she were a boy, she would be a priest. When she was in the eighth grade, the death of her pastor was another event that influenced her life choice. At the end of his funeral, she had the strong sensation that God was calling her to the religious life, giving her his vocation in a sense. After this incident, there was never any doubt in Sister Fabian’s mind about her call. This was made even firmer in high school when a Franciscan priest became the pastor at St. John’s and had parish missions that nourished her desire to be a Sister.

What Sister Fabian enjoyed most in her life was bringing Christ to others through the teaching apostolate. After being sent out to teach, she found that she received even more than the hundredfold promised by Jesus through the important events and relationships she encountered.

In July, Sister Fabian celebrated her 70th Anniversary as a Sister of St. Basil confirming her initial desire to give her life to God, serving however and wherever she was called. We can rejoice with her, trusting that Sister Fabian is now face to face with Jesus, her Divine Spouse.

Sister Fabian was preceded in death by her parents, her brothers, Jimmy, Michael, Steve, Andrew, Adam and John, and her sisters Anne, Mary (Hudock), and Helen (Zahuranic). In addition to her Sisters in community, she is survived by her sister Pauline Monakee and devoted nieces and nephew.

The Divine Liturgy will be celebrated privately in the Monastery Chapel on Saturday, December 12 by Rev. Jerome Botsko, Monastery Chaplain. Very Rev. Ronald P. Larko, pastor at St. John’s will concelebrate. Due to the coronavirus restrictions, there will no public viewing.

Donald R. Crawford Funeral Home, Hopwood, is in charge of arrangements.

By |2020-12-10T18:16:04+00:00December 10th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on SISTER FABIAN KRASSA ENTERS INTO THE FULLNESS OF LIFE

Special Offer from the Religious Gift Shop

Due to closure resulting from COVID-19 regulations, the Religious Gift Shop experienced a loss of revenue impacting our ability to provide the items our customers have come to rely upon. In gratitude for a donation of $25 or more, we will send you this lovely Our Lady of Perpetual Help battery candle (7.5 inches in height). Checks can be made out to Religious Gift Shop or you may call 724-439-6180 to make a credit card donation. Thank you in advance for your support!

By |2020-11-11T18:03:16+00:00November 11th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Special Offer from the Religious Gift Shop

An Announcement from Mt. St. Macrina Cemetery

This autumn, a 124 Niche Romanesque style Columbarium is being installed next
to the present Mausoleum in The Resurrection Garden.

If you are interested in the purchase of a Single Niche or a Double Niche in the
Columbarium, please return the form and I will contact you by early December.
At that time details of purchasing, as well as your questions, can be addressed.

Follow the link for further information: Columbarium Information & Form

Thank you, Sr. Seraphim

By |2020-10-30T15:14:44+00:00October 30th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on An Announcement from Mt. St. Macrina Cemetery

A Thank You from Sr. Ruth Plante

September 2020


Dear Friends,

Every year, for several weeks before our annual Pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, we petition Our Lord to grant us good weather for the weekend.  Sometimes He responds favorably, and sometimes we face the challenge of rain and storms.  This year, the year of our first virtual Pilgrimage, the weather was absolutely perfect.  Doesn’t Our Lord have quite the sense of humor!!!

Although we were disappointed that we were unable to welcome you in person (every year brings so many happy reunions!!), we were encouraged and touched by the number of pilgrims who joined us in prayer via our YouTube videos.  We had about 5000 people who had watched one or more presentations.  Likewise, we are in the process of lighting over 500 candles to fulfill the prayerful requests that were made.  I believe that our dear Mother of Perpetual Help must have been very pleased by the honor given to her and her divine Son.

We extend our thanks to Archbishop William, to each of our Bishops and clergy, and to each Eparchy for the publicity given through their publications.  Likewise, the Greek Catholic Union continues to support us as they have since our first days and our collaboration in caring for orphans at St. Nicholas Orphanage in Elmhurst, PA. We are also grateful to Sister Marion Dobos, OSB of the Archieparchial Office of Religious Education for the Children and Teen programs.

Finally, we thank each and every one of you for your words of loving support, your continued prayers, and your ongoing financial donations.  It touches our hearts to experience such a caring response.  Please know that we, in turn, will always remember you in our prayers each day.  We bring your intentions to our dear Mother of Perpetual Help and are confident that she will watch over you and keep you under her loving protection as we continue to face the challenges of these days.

                                                            With love, prayers, and gratitude,

                                                            Sister Ruth Plante, OSBM, Provincial

                                                                        and the Sisters of St. Basil

By |2020-09-15T16:30:02+00:00September 15th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Thank You from Sr. Ruth Plante

Join Us for the Virtual Pilgrimage!

Here is the link to our YouTube channel >>
The videos will be ready to view at 7:30 AM EST, Saturday, September 5
You may also watch them on our Facebook page.
May you have a blessed VIRTUAL Pilgrimage and a
very safe Labor Day weekend.
By |2020-09-10T17:20:53+00:00September 5th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Join Us for the Virtual Pilgrimage!


It is our prayer that you can join us virtually for the 86th Pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help on September 5 and 6.  You can do this by going to our YouTube channel at Basilians – Uniontown PA to view some services and programs that we have recorded for you. This channel will not be available until September 5. The direct link will be put on Facebook and at www.sistersofstbasil.org.

Due to the current COVID-19 conditions and in an effort to responsibly care for the safety of everyone, please note that we will not be permitting groups of any size to gather on the grounds of Mount St. Macrina over the Labor Day weekend.  Furthermore, the Religious Gift Shop and the Shrine will be closed.

No buildings and/or restrooms will be open for visitors since we do not have the means to assure proper and complete sanitizing.

Although we are disappointed that we cannot provide a welcoming hospitality, we are also mindful of our responsibility to foster the health and well being of all.






By |2020-08-27T17:14:48+00:00August 25th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IMPORTANT NOTICE – 86TH ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE – MOUNT ST. MACRINA
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